İlçe Sağlık Merkezinde sunulan hizmetler
Şanlıurfa, Haliliye ilçe sağlık müdürlüğünde ücretsiz sunulan hizmetler ve kanser taramaları
Professional dedicated remote case Chat / Observation / Companionship / Monitoring services 24/7 Using the latest available technology, and available fully trained English-speaking nurses and caregivers.
Zen Bell: Explore healing through sound, journaling, and setting intentions
Zen Bell reminds us to kindly coax our mind from it's wandering and to bring our awareness to the present moment. While we stay centered in the now and keep our mind grounded in the present, may our heart be at peace. Features: -48khz Zen Bell, repeating at intervals -Journal -Set intentions -Mindful messages
Get a constantly updating feed of health related posts, treatments, healing tips
YourHealth gives you the best of the internet's health and fitness solution in one place. Medical information and health advice you can trust. Get a constantly updating feed health related posts, treatments, healing tips, all the way from heart and blood pressure to the entire wellbeing, just for you.
With this app you can help your patient to solve alzheimer disease.
Alzheimer's is a disease that makes people forget. This disease can be solved with some exercises. You can find all your needs on this subject in this application.
Thise is the useful download the app now
Please support me my user and download the application. And share the application to your friends. Thise app is useful for your reference.
In this app you will find drinks and natural sweets
In this app you will find drinks and natural sweets, with the aim of providing you different substances that do not harm your health and what you can ingest for a long time without having complications later. We will show you our suggestions as implicitly as possible according to your needs, so that you can feel comfortable with your purchase. We have 24/7 customer service. At any time you can and want to order your products, we will be on the lookout to take your order as quickly as possible, so you can have your desired product in the shortest possible time.
Gestão da Secretaria de Saúde do Municipio de Cantagalo/MG
Pulse+: Онлайн фитнес на един клик разстояние
Pulse+ е дигиталното продължение на Pulse Fitness & Spa, което прави фитнесът по-достъпен от всякога: само на един клик разстояние. Платформата дава възможност на потребителя да тренира онлайн на живо с персонален инструктор или на локация по избор на клиента. Заниманията се провеждат в удобно за трениращия време и са изцяло адаптирани към него. Освен от персонални тренировки с инструктор, потребителите на Pulse+ могат да се възползват и от още една функционалност: онлайн групови занимания. Платформата разполага с богата галерия с тренировки. Сред тях са силови тренировки, кардио, стречинг, йога, пилатес и PBox. В момента достъпът до онлайн груповите тренировки на Pulse+ е напълно безплатен! Зад Pulse+ стоят най-добрите треньори в България, както и екип от професионалисти, включващ нутриционисти, професионални атлети и най-разпознаваемите личности във фитнес средите у нас.