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Hair Transplant with Fue Sapphire
Hair Transplant with Fue Sapphire What is Sapphire blade? Sapphire blade is the name given to special blades used in the saç grooving ”stage, which is the most important in hair transplantation and has a direct effect on the result. As the name suggests, these special sapphire blades, which are made entirely of sapphire, have been obtained as a result of the studies carried out in order to offer more advanced technology as a result of widespread hair transplantation operation and worldwide interest. Efforts to catch perfection and to ensure that hair transplanters do not compromise comfort during the operation and recovery process have prepared the ground for innovations in hair transplantation. Specially designed sapphire tipped blades can be used in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and percutaneous techniques for hair transplantation and grooving. Advantages of using Sapphire Blade in hair transplantation. The Sapphire Blade is more advantageous compared to steel-tipped blades. Steel-tipped blades lose their sharpness over time, resulting in more tissue damage. However, sapphire does not lose its sharpness, hard, durable and smooth surface because it is a crystal tissue damage and trauma is not in question. Sapphire tipped blades do not disrupt blood circulation and are anti-bacterial. The retention of the transplanted hair follicles is very important for the successful and natural results of the hair transplantation. Sapphire tipped blades, The channels opened with sapphire tipped blades do not impair the blood circulation and the quality of the tissue. Sapphire tipped blades allow micro-opening of the channels, significantly shortening the post-operative recovery time. The use of sapphire blades in patients with metal sensitivity or metal allergy greatly reduces the risk of sensitivity and allergy. Sapphire blades are antimicrobial and thus prevent the risk of infection. Sapphire blade which started to be used in hair transplantation by proving itself in 2016 has been widely used in FUE technique and even in the recent period it has been called “Sapphire FUE hair transplantation”. Difference between Sapphire FUE and Classic FUE, The only difference between sapphire FUE and classic FUE; It is the use of blades made of sapphire, not blades made of steel material during grooving. Sapphire is a very valuable crystal and is a much better element for making incisions. Because it doesn’t lose its sharpness. The use of sapphire blade in FUE technique has initiated an innovative era in hair transplantation. Since 2004, the globally accepted FUE technique has been one step further. Sapphire blades allow smaller channels to be opened than steel blades, which has also affected the healing process positively. In hair transplantation, incisions in which hair follicles are placed (opening channels) are considered as the most important step for a successful operation. All determinants of naturalness, such as the direction, density and angle of the transplanted hair follicles, are shaped by the success of the channel opening. Sapphire blades ranging from 1.0 to 1.3 and 1.5 mm allow smaller, closer and more grooving. How is Sapphire FUE applied? A preliminary interview and a detailed examination are performed between the patients who apply to our clinic for sapphire FUE and our doctor. During the examination, the patient’s medical history is learned and detailed hair and scalp controls are performed. After the necessary controls, the type of hair loss is determined, taking into consideration the expectation and need of the patient, the design of the front hairline and the area to be transplanted, as well as the planning of hair transplantation. On the day of the operation, our patient’s hair is shortened to 3mm in length. Local anesthesia is applied to the donor area and the grafts to be used for extraction are started to be collected by means of micro motor. After graft collection is completed, the area to be sown is anesthetized
İncek Rehabilitasyon
İncek Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Hastanesi
Pulse+: Онлайн фитнес на един клик разстояние
Pulse+ е дигиталното продължение на Pulse Fitness & Spa, което прави фитнесът по-достъпен от всякога: само на един клик разстояние. Платформата дава възможност на потребителя да тренира онлайн на живо с персонален инструктор или на локация по избор на клиента. Заниманията се провеждат в удобно за трениращия време и са изцяло адаптирани към него. Освен от персонални тренировки с инструктор, потребителите на Pulse+ могат да се възползват и от още една функционалност: онлайн групови занимания. Платформата разполага с богата галерия с тренировки. Сред тях са силови тренировки, кардио, стречинг, йога, пилатес и PBox. В момента достъпът до онлайн груповите тренировки на Pulse+ е напълно безплатен! Зад Pulse+ стоят най-добрите треньори в България, както и екип от професионалисти, включващ нутриционисти, професионални атлети и най-разпознаваемите личности във фитнес средите у нас.
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Our Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Coach & Program
Eat Burn Sleep is world-renowned gut health, anti-inflammatory and sustained weight loss platform. Our goal is to educate and demonstrate how adapting to a consistently low-inflammation diet and lifestyle can contribute to disease prevention, condition remission, weight loss, physical and mental wellbeing, mental clarity and daily productivity. With the right approach and the right tools, a truly healthy lifestyle is sustainable, affordable and enjoyable.