Green Actions Team eTwinning Project, 2020
GREAT Mobile App is created by Elif ÇAKIR to disseminate the project outcomes, games, videos and photos of Green Actions Team, eTwinning Project 2020. All rights are reserved. Bu uygulama eTwinning Projemizi geliştirmek ve yaygınlaşmasını kolaylaştırmak için tasarlanmıştır. Proje çalışmaları web 2.0 araçları kullanılarak hazırlanmış olup eğitime destek olması, yabancı dil öğrenmeye katkı sağlaması ve dijital becerin geliştirilmesini teşvik etmesi bakımından değerli ve önemli içeriklerden oluşmaktadır. eTwinning projelerinde daha önce mobil uygulaması çalışması yapılmadığını düşünerek bu alanda ilk olması ve bir çok projeye öncülük etmesi bakımından bu uygulama önem arz etmektedir.
Buruj Finder
Kami merupakan sekumpulan pelajar diploma semester 3 dari Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. Aplikasi ini dibuat adalah kerana ingin memberi serba sedikit informasi mengenai buruj yang terdapat di dalam alam cakerawala ini. Sebahagian daripada kita telah diberi pendedahan tentang perkara ini. Oleh itu, besarlah harapan kami agar apa yang dikongsi ini dapat memberi manfaat untuk semua orang
تطبيق خاص بقسم الاعداد والتدريب - تربية المثنى
تطبيق خاص بقسم الاعداد والتدريب ينشر به الاعلانات للدورات والحلقات والورش التدريبية والمؤتمرات والمعارض الفنية التطبيق يخص شعب القسم الاربعة ( التدريب - الاعداد -البحوث والدراسات - الاشغال اليدوية )
A complete solution for a medico
All you can need in mbbs is available here.Books,Lectured,facts,order online and much more. FEATURES: all mbbs books pdf Free Quizzes all mbbs lectures order books and accessories online ertugrul all seasons hd Consult seniors free Notes Mnemonics and much more. Download and have fun.Dont forget to rate this app.
ELMANTAB aplikasi pembelajaran online jarak jauh
ELMANTAB Aplikasi pembelajaran jarak jauh untuk Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Terpadu Al Hamid Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Hamid Madrasah Aliyah Al Hamid Pondok Pesantren Al hamid Yayasan Mantab Al Hamid Jakarta
Prajapatir Dana is an online writing company.
Prajapatir Dana is an online writing company. Everyone from young to old can write in this app. All the writers who write poems and stories but they have never had the opportunity to publish in any magazine or anywhere else but they want to print their writing and send it to different people. So we set up this publication to publish their writings in a much easier way. If you want to write different types of poems or stories or anything else, you must contact Prajapatir Dana. Prajapatir Dana Publication will definitely publish your writing in their magazine. You will get a fair price for your writing from us.
Militer Academie
Militer Academie detaylı bilgi için sitemizi ziyaret ederek öğrenebilirsiniz. Esen Kalın!
Our app is for those children who are preparing for JEE and NEET exams, with the
Our app is for those children who are preparing for JEE and NEET exams, with the help of this, they can study at home.