Golden Climate International Project Olympiad Mobil app
olden Climate is completely non-profit event/organization, aimed at promoting a global understanding of environmental issues and the achievement of sustainability, while also providing challenges and opportunities for students, to instill in them the skills and knowledge needed to be the leaders, scientists, and engineers of the future, agents who will promote and contribute to greater environmental sustainability throughout the rest of their lives. It is devoted entirely to projects on environmental issues; searching for new and innovative ways of addressing various environmental challenges.
in this app you will get biological question answer, personal note, setting etc
Various topic of Biology and it's related question Answer, images, will be explain. And also will be explain How to draw and what is the easiest way to draw a beautiful pictures of Biology? Something to keep in mind when drawing a picture etc. matters will be discuss in this app and you get also a beautiful Note, and setting etc.
Mualla Nigar Yamaç 8/B Uygulaması
Konya/Akşehir Mualla Nigar Yamaç Ortaokulu 8/B Sınıfı Uygulaması
BAÜN Ön bilgi - Bilgilendirme
BAÜN hakkında bilgilendirme - Ön bilgi.
Başarı Karması Web Tabanlı Mobil Uygulaması
Başarı Karması Web Sitesi Mobil Uygulaması basarikarmasi.blogspot.com
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