An app for college students to access resources and information
College STEPS app is a new way to be able to access resources and share information all in one place! You can reach through the app, access internships, How To's, and check out Updates that will help you through your time through college.
Puri School app Created and
This app is the app is made by Puri Public Senior Secondary School
Developed By Illa suryaningsih, S, Pd.
Aplikasi dibuat untuk presensi dan kumpulan materi BK spenivda
Education can change the world
You are welcome. This app is made for the education of children. Especially it is made for the education of the children of the village and the children of the city can also study well and understand everything very well because in this many ways an attempt has been made to make them understand.
This is for inferno highs school please see all emails
This is for inferno highs school please see all emails
Sesli ve Resimli Çocuk Masalları
Sevgili Ebeveynler... Hazırlamış olduğumuz bu uygulamada çocuklarınızın kişisel gelişimine katkı sağlayacak ve aynı zamanda eğlenerek eğitici bilgilere sahip olacağı masal videoları ve şarkılar yer almaktadır. Yorumlarınız ve derecelendirmeniz bizim için klavuz olacaktır.