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The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke, founded in 1892, is an affiliate of Boys & Girls Clubs of America, one of the nation's oldest and premiere youth organizations. Boys & Girls Clubs of America has its national headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.The first Boys Club was started in Hartford, Connecticut in 1860. The first affiliation of Boys Clubs took place in 1906, when fifty-three Boys Clubs, including Holyoke, gathered in Boston to form The Federated Boys Clubs of America. In 1931, The Federation became Boys Clubs of America. In 1956, Boys Clubs of America received a U.S. Congressional Charter. In 1990, the national organization changed its name to Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and Congress amended the Charter accordingly... Mission To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.