Welcome to FOS Clan!
Welcome To the FOS Clan App. We hop you follow us on our journey to the top and thanks for the support. This is the start of this app so please email me if there are any bugs or anything you would like or would want to be changed. There is more information on our website http://fosclan.wixsite.com/clan. Please subscribe to us on Youtube and we hope you enjoy our app. For now heres a quick little introduction to us. We are the FOS Clan (Full Out Sweats.) We are a group of teenagers that decided to make a Fortnite clan together. It's just like in pokemon we evolved from a friend group to a Fortnite clan. So the idea came when we always played squads together. Me being the owner I have been through a lot of clans. My first clan was a few years ago. It was called sayne clan. There wasn't very many people in it so in about 2 months I left. So then I discovered Raine Clan. There were a few people. We were all perfect together. We made videos and we were growing and growing until the owner out of nowhere deleted the clan and I never heard from him again. Then I found Unite. I was in this clan I would say for about a year and a half. It was perfect. I could make videos and grow with them. Well that was until I took a HUGE break from gaming and got kicked off the team. Then I started a clan of my own. Foxif clan. Now I can say it wasn't the best thing iv'e ever done but I gotta say it was great. Honestly the best idea ive ever had. So now we are here. And now we aren't going to be leaving or removing. FOS is forever... Enjoy!
Radyo ve Televizyon canlı yayını.
Siz değerli kullanıcılarımız için Radyo ve Televizyon canlı yayınlarını bir araya topladık sohbet odası ile yeni arkadaşlarla tanışabilirsiniz egemen tv ekibi sizler için en iyisini sunmakiçin çalışıyoruz.
Vee arkadaşlar yep yeni uygulamamızıı açtık! indirerek bize destek çıkabilirsiniz! :)
yabancı dizilerin tüm bölümlerini izleyebileceğiniz bir uygulama
yabancı dizilerin tüm bölümlerini izleyebileceğiniz bir uygulama
Arcous Yazılım
Arcous Yazılım Şirketimizin tanıtımı ve gelişimi için yapılan bir programdır.
Umut 1 Numara Youtube kanalının uygulaması...
İOS İÇİN YAKINDA GELECEKTİR. 2013 yılında açmış olduğum YouTube Kanalım için yaptığım uygulamam sizlerle birlikte.Bu uygulamayla artık siz benim çekeceğim videoyu seçeceksiniz ve yeni videoyu ilk siz izleyeceksiniz. Avaible on mobiroller butonuyla indirebilirsiniz. İyi günler.
Türkiye'nin en iyi kampanya reklamcısı!!!
Kampanyaları takip et buradan !!!