Allah Rasûlü; “Din nasihattır, samimiyettir” buyurdu. “Kime Yâ Rasûlallah?” diye sorduk. O da; “Allah’a, Kitabına, Peygamberine, Müslümanların yöneticilerine ve bütün müslümanlara” diye cevap verdi. Müslim, İmân, 95
Sosyal içerik platformu, gençliğe hitaben
Yaşam Tarzı Türkiye'de ki gençlere yönelik konuları, güncel bilgileri ve gizemli, yararlı bilgileri sunan bir oluşumdur. Size en güzel bilgileri sunar.
Zonguldak/Devrek ilçesi Esnaflarımızın dükkan adresleri,telefonları ve kampanyalı ürünlerini ve devrek ilçesi haber portalı devrek halkına ve çevre illerden gelen insanlara yol ve kolaylık sağlamak amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Reduce the use of paper and Go-Green.
This application is made to cover some of the purpose listed below. 1. Reduce the daily wastage of paper, which can way more then a ton. 2. To track the bus you want to travel in. 3. To track your self and or track others as a parent, guardian, or a friend. 4. Make your own friends list & share a copy of the ticket you buy, for you or for them. 5. And even more.
Inspirational quotes with beautiful images, posts, books, and more!
Do you need a pick-me-up? Something to inspire you and lift your spirits? The Adrienne Posey Inspiration App is for you. It is an app filled with positive energy and inspiration with a collection of inspirational quotes with beautiful images and additional inspirational posts for writers, artists, and filmmakers. The Adrienne Posey Inspiration App also includes posts and advice on how to live a better quality of life, uplifting books and magazines, and a store filled with products for everyone.