Buzsu Arıtma Sistemleri
Comtech, Lifetech, LG Su Arıtma cihazı, Conax, AQUA , Puretech, Puricom, Ecosoft markalı Orjinal ve NSF sertifikalı su arıtma, su arıtma cihazı, su arıtma filtresi.
We are a non-profit organization the helps raise money to help those who lost everything during hurricane Michael. In the future we hope to do more for people.
Innovation Business
Chuang Yao Enterprise was formally established in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on April 12, 2019, was established by the current Chief Executive Officer Alyson Chan. Chuangyao is mainly based on the Internet, chinese is the main of the language. It is the first platform to conceive as a major investment project to help entrepreneurs. We operate with original thinking, mainly to enable young entrepreneurs with ideals, plans and unique ideas to gain more opportunities to realize their dreams while also driving our economy and younger new weather. Chuangyao Enterprise is committed to bringing a new atmosphere to all walks of life. We uphold the development concept of innovative creativity and entrepreneurship to achieve the world's top, most contributing and innovative institutions.
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Business of honey.
We are Julio Sevilla, Lady Barrantes and Xavier Vigil of 10th D, and we promote the use of 100% natural honey, because it brings many more benefits than just using it in food, it brings important properties such as bactericide and also helps with digestion, not like processed honey that can cause cardiovascular diseases and the appearance of warts. and acne.
Support entrepreneurs who were affected by socio-economic problems of the countr
We are a company with an expandable vision that wants to support the Nicaraguan talent, mainly small entrepreneurs of different types of products according to their skills, that is why the development of our app will help the articles of our associated enterprises to reach every corner of our country and other surrounding areas.
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Hello guys this is a new app for online shopping in this products and this credit gosh to my mother Please support this app & this app credit on my mother & .soon.......