In 2014, MRX remains privately held, with operations in over 100 Countries, comp
RX provides advanced technologies specific to Sensors, Drone, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Life Science, Nanotechnology, 3-D Printing, 3-D Scanning, Defense and Aerospace. Founded by Neil Gerardo in 1976 in the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago and with a continuous presence on the Internet since 1995, MRX provides advanced technologies for the Department of Defense, the State Department, Intelligence Agencies, the Department of Energy and the Department of Homeland Security with the interdisciplinary research and development required to establish and advance the underlying enabling technologies. For Corporations, innovative technology insures continued market leadership; for Governments, it remains the metric of capability, defining superiority. During the first six years in Chicago, MRX was structured as an efficient global corporation based on models from the Pritzker Organization and Intelligence Agencies. Studying everything specific to Aristotle Onassis provided the "street smarts" and the harsh realities of successful international negotiations. Dr. Robert Beyster provided the corporate model for the optimum performance from every employee. The Global Corporate Structure of MRX is an augmented derivative of the Pritzker, Onassis, Intelligence Agencies, SAIC and Leidos models.
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Çırağın Group İnsan Kaynakları organizasyonunun amacı, şirket vizyonu doğrultusunda insan kaynaklarını en iyi şekilde değerlendirerek; şirketin hedef ve amaçlarını gerçekleştirebilmesi için, gerekli işgücü alt yapısını hazırlamak, geliştirmek, çağdaş yönetim teknikleri kullanarak öğrenen ve yaratıcı bir organizasyon kurmaktır.
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AMCANN Business Network Membership Portal
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