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AC Mold, Sektördeki 18 yıllık kalıpçılık tecrübesi ile mutfak, banyo ve ev gereçlerinin kalıp imalatını yapmaktadır. Konusunda uzman kadrosu ve geliştirmiş olduğu KALIPMASYON takip yazılımı ile müşterilerimize tam zamanın da, eksiksiz ve hatasız üretim yapmayı hedeflemektedir.
argemon gemi yat sörveyliği
Argemon Denizcilik Sörvey Gözetim Hiz. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Çakırlar Fasıl Sefası
Canlı müzik Kendin pişir kendin ye Açık büfe kahvaltı Kilo ile et mangal gözleme bazlama
Musato Technologies App
Musato Technologies assists businesses to align IT investments with their business strategies and needs.
Gift Card and Bitcoin Exchange
Best Platform to trade Gift Card and Cryptocurrency which offer best service for their customers on Gift Card and Bitcoin trading
Business of honey.
We are Julio Sevilla, Lady Barrantes and Xavier Vigil of 10th D, and we promote the use of 100% natural honey, because it brings many more benefits than just using it in food, it brings important properties such as bactericide and also helps with digestion, not like processed honey that can cause cardiovascular diseases and the appearance of warts. and acne.
Support entrepreneurs who were affected by socio-economic problems of the countr
We are a company with an expandable vision that wants to support the Nicaraguan talent, mainly small entrepreneurs of different types of products according to their skills, that is why the development of our app will help the articles of our associated enterprises to reach every corner of our country and other surrounding areas.