Cennet Mekân Sultan Abdülhamid Han
Bu uygulama size Abdülhamid Kimdir? Sorusuna en iyi cevabı verecek ve tarih bilginizi arttıracak. Umarım bu güzel uygulamayı beğenirsiniz.
Chelsea Robotics
Play With the Chelsea FTC teams robots. You can drive 11729/11617/11618 FTC robots in this fun interactive game.
préparer vos leçons facilement par l'application de l'enseignement électronique
L'application de "l'enseignement électronique algérien" est la plus grande application éducative en Algérie qui propose toutes les leçons pour toutes les matières et à toutes les phases selon le programme scolaire et en détail avec des leçons vidéo détaillées et des solutions pour les exercices manuels et de nombreux exercices, devoirs, tests et leurs solutions
Portal to file RTI applications/first appeals online along with payment gateway.
Portal to file RTI applications/first appeals online along with payment gateway. Payment can be made through internet banking of SBI, debit/credit cards of Master/Visa and RuPay cards. Through this portal, RTI applications/first appeals can be filed by Indian Citizens for all Ministries/Departments and other Public Authorities of Central Government. RTI applications/first appeals should not be filed for other Public authorities under Central/State Govt. through this portal.
This app is specially made for small children
This app is for only children's to draw , colouring , and challenges
Sosyal Hizmet Kulübü
Sosyal Hizmet Kulübü etkinlik,duyuru vs. olayları kulüp üyelerine en kısa ve kolay şekilde haberdar etmek amacı ile yapılmıştır.