STEM Nedir? STEM (Fen, Teknoloji, Mühendislik, Matematik) Eğitimi; teorik bilginin uygulamaya, ürüne ve yenilikçi buluşlara dönüştürülmesini amaçlayan, öğrencilerin fen bilimleri, teknoloji, mühendislik ve matematik derslerinde öğrendikleri bilgileri bir bütünün parçaları olarak görmelerini sağlayan dünyada birçok ülkenin öğretim programlarına dâhil ettiği bir eğitim yaklaşımı olma özelliğini taşıyor. STEM YAKLAŞIMINA UYGUN ŞEKİLDE HAZIRLANAN PLANLARI ,VİDEOLARI VE HİKAYELERİ YAYGINLAŞTIRMA VE DAHA ÇOK ÇOCUĞUN STEM İLE TANIŞMASI , HAZIRLANAN PLAN VE HİKAYELERDEN YARARLANMASINI SAĞLAMAK.
App is designed to solve problems of JEE and NEET aspirants and to guide them .
This app is very useful for students preparing for JEE and NEET . Here they can ask doubt to those who had cleared these exam and who had gone through this tough preparation . They will always available to guide you . Along with that you can book your hostel and mess by selecting them at best price . The app also contains feature like add homework where you can list your homework to do chat with expert can schedule one to one meeting add note , map , and JEE and NEET materials
Welcome To Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering & Technology
Swaranabharathi Educational Trust has established Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2007 in Bhimavaram with the view to meet the growing demands for technical education in the country. The College is located in a serene and pollution free environment at Pennada 6 km from Bhimavaram on Palakol and Pamarru Road. The campus is spread over 20 acres of scenic landscape is an ideal place for educational pursuits. It is well connected by road & rail. The labs, class rooms, information centre etc are uniquely designed and built to endow the students a hassle free environment to pursue their intellectual development
Ücretsiz Yazılım Dersleri
Yazılıma başlayanlar, artık saatlerce Türkçe kaynak aramanıza gerek kalmayacak. Tamamen Türkçe olarak hazırlanmış olup, -HTML -HTML 5 -CSS -CSS# -Javascript -Python Ve daha fazlası dersler hemen elinizin altında...
One Stop Centre SMK Lutong adalah aplikasi khas untuk semua warga SMK Lutong, Miri, Sarawak dan juga untuk orang awam. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua pihak.
تطبيق جامعتي الخاص بطلاب كلية الهندسة المدنية في جامعة حماة
تطبيق جامعتي - النسخة التجريبية خاص بطلاب كلية الهندسة المدنية في جامعة حماة تم العمل على هذا البرنامج لتسهيل آلية التواصل والحصول على المعلومات المطلوبة من محاضرات ونتائج وأخبار جديدة فريق البرنامج تطوعي بالكامل وليس له أي علاقة إدارية الهدف منه تسهيل البحث ليس إلا سيتم التحديث لاحقاً وتلقائياً وإرسال إشعارات تنبيه فور تحديث أي شيء يرجى تقييم هذا العمل وإرسال الرأي الشخصي والاقتراحات الممكنة عبر تبويب \راسلنا\ الموجود ضمن البرنامج
Use full to Functionaries & E.Rs of Rural Local Governments of Telugu States
This app is use full to Panchayat Raj functionaries, Elected representatives of Rural Government in particular and to Rural people of Telugu states in general with regards of Acts and Rules which required in day to day needs.
Oración de Jatztot y Petijat Eliyahu, en Fonética para la oración de media noche
El origen esta oración está asociada al Salmo 119: 62, atribuido a David quien dijo «A la medianoche me levantaré para darte gracias por tus juicios justos». y que, gracias a ello, se levantaba para orar y estudiar Torá a la medianoche. Los estudiosos con el transcurrir del tiempo, asociaron el Tikun Jatzot con la necesidad que dice: “Toda persona temerosa de Dios debe sentir tristeza y preocupación por la destrucción del Templo” –Shuljan Aruj, Oraj Jaim 1:2 y Mishna Berura Volviendo al rey David, el Talmud nos cuenta que él conocía lo valioso del Jatzot. El mismo Talmud lo dice: “A medianoche un viento que venía del norte soplaba sobre el arpa que colgaba del techo del palacio del Rey David y reproducía hermosos tonos musicales: mientras tanto, El rey David se dedicaba al estudio de la Torá y a la canción hasta el alba” (Berajot 3b). Sus plegarias de medianoche y su estudio de la Torá, dicen los sabios, que eran “un faro de luz espiritual brillando en un mundo de ignorancia”. Es lógico que la mayor parte de la gente PREFIERA DORMIR toda la noche sin perturbaciones. Y la mayoría lo hacemos Pero al judío, quien es temeroso de HaShem en este mundo, se le pide que quiebre su sueño en medio de la noche para que eleve un tipo de clamor diferente… el clamor de la Shejiná, o sea la presencia del Eterno
Useful for Students as well Un-Employed people
Providing educational services to the students as well giving employment for everyone of in India through remotely...