Apps ini dicipta untuk pengguna bagi mengetahui hadis berkaitan falak
Aplikasi Hadith Falak ini dibangunkan bagi memudahkan masyarakat untuk mengetahui hadith-hadith berkaitan falak dengan lebih mendalam. Selain itu, terdapat juga kuiz falak yang disediakan di dalam aplikasi ini. Dengan adanya kuiz falak ini pengguna dapat menilai sejauh manakah pengetahuan mereka tentang ilmu falak. Di samping itu, terdapat juga beberapa gambar tokoh falak dipaparkan di dalam aplikasi ini. Pengguna dapat mengenali siapakah tokoh-tokoh falak tersebut. Semoga aplikasi ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada semua pengguna terutamanya kepada pelajar-pelajar dan mereka yang ingin menguasai ilmu falak.
Submit real-world examples of scientific concepts for a chance to win $20 CAD
Submit real-world examples of straightforward scientific concepts for a chance to win $20 CAD every month. Anyone, anywhere in the world can play. A simple app consisting of a submission form and a visual guide.
İnsani yardımlaşma ve sosyal dayanışma derneği
Evrensel Derneği Kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluş İnsani yardımlaşma ve sosyal dayanışma derneği İnsan hakları ve kadın hakları
Domain?.........Here u can understand how to make a domain,how to create a web
Own a web app helps you to know,How to add a web? And it is useful for the user to maintain any notes regarding anything.The user can contact the app regarding any doubts.You can also change the settings such as font etc. Mainly it helps to write the important notes.
Ministry Tools and Techniques
Simple Ministry™ TNT - Tools & Techniques Platform for Pastors, Staff and Volunteers / Ministry Imprint™ Database to assess members in your church
BEST revision app to improve your studies
This app allows students to ask questions and other students or teachers give their comments and answers. The app comes with Well edited notes from Form one to Form 4 for all subjects. The app has 2000 - 2020 KCSE past papers offered for free. Posting a question is very easy. The app got a text editor that will ease your experience. The app got multiple choice questions for all subjects with result analyzing. Allows users to post images ie Question and notes photos. Users can interact privately and form group discussions. Weekly contests among learners. Past papers for all subjects *Key features ->All subject notes ->A Question and Answer forum ->Offline feature enabled Subjects notes include Mathematics, Biology, Kiswahili, CRE, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History and Government, Agriculture, Computer studies etc. Works like Zeraki Learning, Mwalimu plus app, and more educational apps. Participate in weekly Contests and win prizes. Improve your examination skills with live competition.
Bu uygulama sayesinde siber güvenlik alanında ileri düzey bilgiye sahip olabilirsiniz. siber alanda savunmadan saldırılara , yazılım dillerinden arşivlere içinde bir çok eğitim bulunmaktadır. GERİ BİLDİRİMLERİNİZ , SORULARINIZ VE ÖNERİLERİNİZ İÇİN BİZE ADRESİNDEN ULAŞABİLİRSİNİZ
information app
Regional Career Fair App for Southeastern South Dakota High School students
Prep for Grade 12 CAT learners
Prep for Grade 12 CAT learners from School Of Transformation