LU- faculty of education free application to student
Lebanese University Faculty of Education Application that can help the students to use the links of the university. Totally free for students its help education
It is platform for women to learn deen easily. Medical students also get benifit
One ALLAH, One Nabi (saw), One Quran Title: One ALLAH, One Nabi (saw), One Quran Description: This website was created by a few volunteers and was made possible with the will of Allah (Glory be unto Him). Saalihaat's mission is to help Muslims around the globe navigate their daily lives; we offer innovative products and services that are truly world-class and delight our users. Its founders believe that using modern technology and cutting-edge educational tools is key to encouraging an appreciation of the Quran and the Hadith for those who want to improve themselves by drawing nearer to Allah through study. To make this vision a reality, Saalihaat Institute offers a variety of full-time, part-time and self-paced learning programs with professional scholars and specialists. Saalihaat Institute leverages the power of media to deliver high quality content, teaching texts to thousands of female students from all walks of life, across the globe.
Uygulamda Türkçe,Matamatik,Fen bilimleri,inkılap ve ingilizce Testleri Vardır.
Bu Uygulama Okul İçin Tasarlanmıştır.
Oyunları sever misin o zaman uygulamamızı indir ve bilgi edin
Oyunlarla ilgili bilgiler edinmek ve ipucu almak için yapılmış bir uygulama
Portal to file RTI applications/first appeals online along with payment gateway.
Portal to file RTI applications/first appeals online along with payment gateway. Payment can be made through internet banking of SBI, debit/credit cards of Master/Visa and RuPay cards. Through this portal, RTI applications/first appeals can be filed by Indian Citizens for all Ministries/Departments and other Public Authorities of Central Government. RTI applications/first appeals should not be filed for other Public authorities under Central/State Govt. through this portal.
İlk uygulamamızdır inşallah məmnun kalırsınız çok amatörce olsa da. 😉
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Çıkmıs KPSS Soruları
2006-2018 Arası Çıkmış KPSS Soruları (Ortaögretim-ÖnLisans)