Prajapatir Dana is an online writing company.
Prajapatir Dana is an online writing company. Everyone from young to old can write in this app. All the writers who write poems and stories but they have never had the opportunity to publish in any magazine or anywhere else but they want to print their writing and send it to different people. So we set up this publication to publish their writings in a much easier way. If you want to write different types of poems or stories or anything else, you must contact Prajapatir Dana. Prajapatir Dana Publication will definitely publish your writing in their magazine. You will get a fair price for your writing from us.
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Çukurova Kampüs
Çukurova Kampüs uygulaması öğrencilerin akıllı telefonları aracılığıyla Çübis, yemekhane, akademik takvim ve akts hesaplama araçlarına kolaylıkla ulaşabilmeleri için tasarlanmıştır