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Bu Uygulama Küresel Pandemi nedeniyle eğitime destek amacıyla LGS deneme sınavlarımıza hızlı erişim için planlanmıştır.
Uygulamayı indirip bizi takip edebilirsiniz.
Uygulama kendi blog sitemizi tanıtmak amacıyla kuruldu. Blog üzerinde yayınladığımız yazıları bildirmek için bir uygulama geliştirdik.
Only education app no ad.
Education app Hi friends it is the education app. We will try to provide you every digital study material
Smart Learn Company Pvt Ltd
SmartLearn.live Is A India's No.1 Online Learning App Powered By Smart Learn
App for science students
This Website is created by Mohammed Ikram, a student of FYJC-B from KJ Somaiya College of Science and Commerce. This website is created to share updates, notes and other Knowledgeable stuffs in a digital and interesting way to help as many students as possible (in the class). This Website is completely handled by Mohammed Ikram. If you have any suggestions, complaints regarding the features of the website, you can contact us anytime. Contact us on teams.educods@gmail.com
We at Learning Solution Services understand the importance of community growth.
We guide students to make the right career choice. Starting with stream selection to subject combination to a detailed career path, we help students start on their career journey with confidence and ease.
PHARM D Needs: The app which is useful For PharmD Students.
PHARM D Needs: The app which is useful For PharmD Students contains Handwritten notes which is easy to study and JNTUA Previous question papers. Textbooks also available. And some details about pharm D. This was developed by a group of students of Pharm D. Notes are verified by senior Professors.
Sizi Meslek Sahibi Ediyoruz
Sizi Meslek Sahibi Ediyoruz Mesleğinizi belgelendirmek ve bir meslek sahibi olmak için bizimle iletişime geçin Uygulamamız ile genel olarak; - Kurumumuz hakkında bilgi sahibi olabilir - Kurumumuz ve sınav yerleri ile ilgili konum bilgileri alabilir - Online sınav olabilir - Konu çalışabilir - Sınav ve kursumuzla ilgili fotoğraf veya video gözlemleyebilir
Online Education System
This is a Online Learn and earn Platform. From here you can Learn many professional Course also earn together. And all are this taught by professional teachers through your own language via your Smartphone and Computer. Thanks & Regards