App is familiar with Teachers. It provides gateway between student and Teachers.
This app is only for L. D. College of Engineering (LDCE), Ahmedabad. A single app for all needs of faculties of Rubber Technology Department. Explore "Crew 2.A" app to simplify the work load of faculties. For students the another app known as "LDCE Parivaar" Key Features : - Standard Profile : Separate profile for student and faculty. - Student Attendance : Fill the attendance of students as Present or Not. - Master Sheet : Download or View all student annual attendance at one page. - Study Material : Faculty can share study material or class note with students and students can easily download it revise the syllabus. - Notebook : Faculty can write own notes and separate than others. This data can only view & access by the faculty. - Notify : Announcements and events banner display in the homepage slider. Currently this features is in beta/test mode so we have limited it access for faculty only. Faculty can send request to display banner on the slider, after manual verification it will be live on homepage of the app. - Security : Our first priority is to secure user data. Only verified user can access the some features. Google Cloud Platform encrypts user data, Data is automatically encrypted prior to being written to disk and Each encryption key is itself encrypted with a set of master keys. Keys and encryption policies are managed the same way, in the same keystore, as for Google’s production services. - And many other interesting features ... --------------------------------------------------------- We are still looking for a suggestion to make this app more useful. We are always ready to make changes and adding new facilities as par requirement of students and faculty. We're always excited to hear from you! If you have any suggestion, questions, or concerns, please email us at:
مجلة الأبحاث التربوية no 28 - 2022 كلية التربية لبنان
مجلة الأبحاث التربوية no 28 - 2022 كلية التربية لبنان
Gavy Almanca Öğrenme Platformu
Gavy, ücretsiz Almanca öğrenme ve öğretme platformu olup, yakın gelecekte kullanıcılarının Almanca iş ilanı paylaşımlarını da yapmayı hedeflemektedir. Almanca A1'i bir kaç hafta içinde öğrenmek istiyorsan eğer doğru yerdesin. Gavy Kids ve Almanca A2 yakında...
Four pillars of our organization Trust, Accountability, Integrity & Fairness.
We Provide Successful Sales And Marketing Solutions For Our Clients. Our Goal Is To Successfully Implement And Execute Customized Face-to-face Marketing We have a dedicated team, who serve the best service in all aspects. Four pillars of our organization Trust, Accountability, Integrity & Fairness.
Medicina la purtător 🧠📲 Ca să fii eficient la învățat.
Consolidează-ți cunoștințele de medicină cu aplicația ReziHack în care patologia de rezidențiat este organizată în capitole și subcapitole, ca să fii eficient la învățat! Aplicația ReziHack conține informație medicală actualizată, structurată optim pentru a facilita procesul de învățare. Este destinată studenților care se pregătesc să susțină examenul de rezidențiat, dar și celor care vor să-și consolideze cunoștințele de medicină clinică pentru examenele de la facultate. În loc de cele 10 minute de social media, ai opțiunea de a recapitula orice patologie vrei, la o apasare distanța.
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All Mechanical Engineering Solution give problem Solving Rule and Best fitted technique .It also helpful Mechanical Engineering Student as well as Mechanical Engineer also.
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