Isparta Halıkent Ortaokulu
Isparta Halıkent Ortaokulu mobil uygulamasıdır
Online courses from the world’s leading experts. Join 20 million learners.
Online courses from the world’s leading experts. Join 20 million learners. Learning world uses technology, high-quality content, and industry collaboration to deliver an immersive learning experience that helps candidates learn, apply, and demonstrate their competencies. All programs are offered in collaboration with leading global universities and are taken by thousands of professionals every year to secure and grow their careers. With Alison's 3000+ totally free online courses, you will learn anywhere, at your own pace. First job? Seeking a promotion or job change? Alison's courses are designed so you can upskill quickly and earn certificates to boost your hiring chances. Hundreds of NEW online courses every month in the most searched learning categories: ◾ IT ◾ Business ◾ Languages ◾ Health ◾ Science ◾ Marketing ◾ Math ◾ Skilled Trades ◾ Arts and Crafts ... and many more! AFFORDABILITY ◾ Enroll for free in any course. ◾ Take the FREE Assessment to earn certificates and diplomas. APP FEATURES The learning app also comes with a range of handy tools in your Personal Dashboard: ◾ Track your learning stats ◾ List of all courses you enrolled ◾ Easy access to 3000+ courses ◾ Direct access to Alison customer support CONVENIENCE On your way to work, in a park, at the airport, whenever you get a moment you can complete another course topic and get that bit closer to your next Certificate or even Diploma. With the Learning world app, you can learn any time at all. INSTALL NOW Join 20 million students in one of the world’s largest free online learning platforms. Learn for free. Boost your Career.
For law Enforcement Agencies only for cyber crime investigation
This Cyber Police Diary is a system, used by law enforcement agencies to track and manage cybercrime cases. It is typically used by police departments or specialized cybercrime units to keep track of reported cybercrime incidents
Ye sub k ley hi nadra info
Ye app hum ne logo k help k ley banaya hi as de logo ko card bana ne me asani Hoge as me online apply hai as me nadra sop hai COVID-19 certificate hai or FB nadra Group b hai
Paperless, cloud based HACCP management system
Pro][chef app is a paperless, Cloud-based HACCP management system. Fully compliant ISO 340 Standards. Easy Access to all your HACCP records & files,Cleaning schedules ,Food ordering sheets Allergy index, Recipe cards etc Complete Online certified training courses which include HACCP level 1, 2 & 3 , allergen awareness, fire safety, manual handling , first aid etc and a convenient section to access each employee certificates for each course passed! And much more
STEM Nedir? STEM (Fen, Teknoloji, Mühendislik, Matematik) Eğitimi; teorik bilginin uygulamaya, ürüne ve yenilikçi buluşlara dönüştürülmesini amaçlayan, öğrencilerin fen bilimleri, teknoloji, mühendislik ve matematik derslerinde öğrendikleri bilgileri bir bütünün parçaları olarak görmelerini sağlayan dünyada birçok ülkenin öğretim programlarına dâhil ettiği bir eğitim yaklaşımı olma özelliğini taşıyor. STEM YAKLAŞIMINA UYGUN ŞEKİLDE HAZIRLANAN PLANLARI ,VİDEOLARI VE HİKAYELERİ YAYGINLAŞTIRMA VE DAHA ÇOK ÇOCUĞUN STEM İLE TANIŞMASI , HAZIRLANAN PLAN VE HİKAYELERDEN YARARLANMASINI SAĞLAMAK.
App is designed to solve problems of JEE and NEET aspirants and to guide them .
This app is very useful for students preparing for JEE and NEET . Here they can ask doubt to those who had cleared these exam and who had gone through this tough preparation . They will always available to guide you . Along with that you can book your hostel and mess by selecting them at best price . The app also contains feature like add homework where you can list your homework to do chat with expert can schedule one to one meeting add note , map , and JEE and NEET materials