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Science Elite Group
This is app for all students who want to become scientist.
Learn With Rhythm is a learning app for kids.
Learn With Rhythm is a learning app for kids. We offer wide range of fun learning tutorials along with worksheets class wise. We bring loads of tutorials and assignments to bring out the creativity and imagination of the child. For overall development, we have Yoga and Meditation Sessions.
Sleep Support informs people of dreams, sleep, and ways to improve their sleep.
Sleep Support is an app that informs people all about dreams, sleep, ways to improve their sleep schedule, and create their own sleep schedule. This app is for people that want to learn about dreams, sleep, or ways to improve their sleep. I created this app for a school project to inform people about dreams, sleep, and ways to improve their sleep. Hopefully, this app helps people learn about these things, so they can create a better sleep schedule.
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Cours de massage et de yoga
Cours de massage et de yoga vous permettant de développer votre savoir-faire et votre savoir-être tout autant que votre spiritualité.