Nota Sejarah Tingkatan 4 (Cikgu Sam)
Welcome to Sejarah Dunia Tingkatan 4. Tujuan utama saya memperkenalkan aplikasi ini adalah untuk membimbingi adik-adik kalian bahawa tidak mustahil untuk belajar dan SKOR A dalam subjek Sejarah ini. Wahai para pelajar sekalian, Cikgu Sam telah menyediakan Nota-nota Sejarah Tingkatan 4 sahaja. Cikgu berharap agar para pelajar sekalian mampu membuat persediaan awal sebelum memduduki Peperiksaan SPM.Sekian, Terima Kasih :)
Matematik tingkatan 5 Bab 4 Matriks
Aplikasi ini dibangunkan mengenai topik Matriks iaitu subjek matematik untuk pelajar tingkatan 5. Terdapat 8 subtopik didalamnya dan juga latihan pengukuhan serta contoh soalan peperiksaan SPM untuk menambahkan lagi pemahan pelajar
Daha hızlı, ücretsiz ve veri tasarrufu yapın!
MCYDATA' yı kullanın. Daha hızlı, ücretsiz ve veri tasarrufu yapın! Whatsapp ve Instagram' ın ayrıcalıklı gelişmiş özellikli uygulamalarını kullanın. After effects cc öğrenin. Ayrıca edit yapmak istiyorsan uygulama içinde sana özel eğitimimiz var.
It is about water's importance,the wastage of water and how to preserve it.
The app is about conserving the nature and its natural resources. It will make people aware about the importance of water and how it is getting wasted. Then it provides people in information about what is happening to this resource and how to preserve it by giving solutions.
Interactive ads design & interactive curriculum
Provıdıng distinguished educational solutions according to international standards. which are supported by integrated electronic solutions and interactive development for all curricula
Üniversite öğrencilerine özel ders programı
Daha tamamlanmamış uygulamadır
Official application of Journal of immunology and clinical microbiology
Journal of immunology and clinical microbiology (JICM) is an international peer-reviewed, online and print (text&video) journal, and publishes innovative research papers in all areas related with immunology, microbiology, rheumatology and infectious diseases.
living Epistle
An App for the Living Epistle Church Located in Quezon City, Philippines. This App for the church member to be informed on the events and ministries of the church