Completely free education centre only for selected students
Ambedkar Mission Coaching is a Free Coaching Center For all Progressive Students. Support our campaign for the most depressed students those are not capable to interact with current economic situation.
Özel Sancar Okulları
Sancar Eğitim Kurumları, Eğitim platformu olarak öğrencilerin ulaşabileceği bir app programıdır. Ders içerikleri, veli bilgilendirme, iletişim, not görüntüleme için kullanılacak bir uygulamadır
120 Min Online Course is our official app.This app is very important for studen
120 Min Online Course is our official app. This app is very important for students. Because our class taking system, class links and all kinds of facilities are in this app. Our official website, official page also here. You Can admit easily using our app. First You Register or sign up our app. Then you are avoilable all in future in our app. Free registration avoilable in our app. Then you find easily our class link, registration form, official page, official website, our messege and so on.
All the things required for online study on a student desk present in one app.
The Student Desk Want one app for all your virtual study requirements? All the things required for a student desk present in one app. The student desk is well-loved among students and is designed to make student life easier. It is a perfect platform for virtual and digital study. 🔶Study ✔️Search for free books ✔️Study Planner ✔️Notebook ✔️To-Do list ✔️Sticky Notes 🔶Expert ✔️ Dictionary ✔️ Calculator ✔️Convertor ✔️ Translator 🔶Document Manager ✔️A PDF solution ✔️All in one media converter 🔶Google 🔶Chat 🔶News 🔶 Favourites ✅Study Planner •Track homework, assignments, reminders and revision. •Store exam dates and manage your class timetables. •Notifications for upcoming and unfinished works. •Sign in and access, sync even when offline. Reference from ✅Search for Free books •Access to millions of books you need for free •Quick navigation and download with a single click. • Available as PDF format. Reference from ✅Notebook • Free notebook for note-taking. • Clear interface, easy to take quick notes • Create photo notes. • Bookmark notes and view them at any time. ✅To-Do List • Checklist notes for To do list • Build a shopping list to help you check every item. • Make an everyday list of topics to study. ✅ Sticky Notes •Easy access to create, edit, search, share and insert pictures in sticky notes •Swipe between notes. •Multicolored stickies with multiple fonts and sizes. •Sign in to store and sync data, easy access anywhere. Reference from ✅ Dictionary •Free Dictionary, Thesaurus, Synonyms, Spelling Reference from ✅ Calculator • Student-friendly calculator with all operations necessary for simple and complex problems. Reference from ✅ Converter •Unit convertor with a convenient interface designed for casual users. Reference from ✅ Translator •Convert text or speech to easily comprehended language. Reference from google translator ✅ PDF Solution •Convert pdf format to various formats - word, excel, jpeg etc. • Edit, unlock, arrange PDF files and many more features. Reference from ✅ All in one converter • Convert from various formats to any format of choice for free. • Supports the editing of files. Reference from ✅News • Get real-time news to enhance your general knowledge. Reference from ✅ Favourites • Select your favourite task options to save time and fast access. ✅ Google • Search in Google Directly from the app. • Search in Google Books directly from the app. ✅ Chat • Chat with friends within the app for discussion. • Secure messaging which can connect to any study desk user. Questions? write to us at I am an independent developer and I strive to make your study experience better day by day. For this I require your valuable feedback and ideas to help me deliver you with better features. Thank you for choosing this app. This app is a one-stop for students and for this I have taken reference from various sites as mentioned above.
This application is used for teaching and learning guides. Content in this appli
This application is called "TicerSpan" which is an application to know the grammatical gender in Spanish. The main objective of this project is to develop a Mobile application that can make the learning process effective. The method to develop this application is to use Waterfall Model which consists of analysis phase, design phase, implementation phase, testing phase and maintenance phase. Design and implementation of this Mobile application using the MobiRoller application.
eRPP Pangeran Walangsungsang (Uji Coba)
eRPP Pangeran Walangsungsang adalah Rumah Pintar Pemilu berbasis digital (e-RPP) Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kabupaten Cirebon yang melayani dan memberikan informasi publik secara online tentang kepemiluan dan demokrasi kepada masyarakat Kabupaten Cirebon
Uzlaştırma kapsamında kalan sorular ve suçların kapsamları
Merhaba arkadaşlar uzlaştırma sorularını ve konuları burda yayınlayacağız, bilindiği üzere sınav olacak ve sınav sonrası uygulama olarak dosya alacağız ve bu dosyaları yapmak bilindiği üzere değişik bilgiler istemekte bu bilgileri burdan paylaşacağız ve sizlere yardımcı olmaya çalışacağız, şimdiden sizler için burada olduğumuzu unutmayalım
YouTube Kanalımızın Uygulaması
Eğitimle ilgili Evet videolar burada vardır. Arkadaşlar sizin sayenizde kendi uygulamamı tanıtıyorum .doya doya videolarımı izleyin.
YKS çalışma programı ve tüm derslerden konu anlatımlı videolar bulunmaktadır.
Bu program alanında uzman tıpçı ve psikolog öğrenciler tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Tüm alanlara özel programlar mevcuttur. Uygulama içerisinde tüm dersler konu anlatım videoları bulunmaktadır. İyi çalışmalar dileriz.