Golden Climate International Project Olympiad Mobil app
olden Climate is completely non-profit event/organization, aimed at promoting a global understanding of environmental issues and the achievement of sustainability, while also providing challenges and opportunities for students, to instill in them the skills and knowledge needed to be the leaders, scientists, and engineers of the future, agents who will promote and contribute to greater environmental sustainability throughout the rest of their lives. It is devoted entirely to projects on environmental issues; searching for new and innovative ways of addressing various environmental challenges.
Üniversitesimize daha kolay erişilebilmesi için yapılmıştır
Afyon kocatepe üniversitesine özel öğrencinin ihtiyaçları göz önünde bulundurularak yapılmış bir uygulamadır
Aslan Akademi Oyun ve Etkinlik Evi
Ankara Mamak Boğaziçi'nde bulunan Aslan Akademi Oyun ve Etkinlik Evi'nin mobil uygulaması. Ulaşım Harita Web sitesi Videolar Sosyal ağlar Çocuk Oyun siteleri bağlantılarını içermektedir.
Sosyal hizmet (lisans) bölümü öğrencilerine yönelik bir uygulama.
Sosyal hizmet bölümü, gerek mobil uygulama olarak gerekse ders kitabı açısından yeterli kaynağa sahip olmayan üniversite bölümlerindendir. Bu uygulama bölüm öğrencilerinin kaynak sıkıntısını azaltacaktır.
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Kulübü Mobil Uygulaması
Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Kulübü'nün mobil uygulamasıdır. Uygulamada kulüp ve bölüm duyuru ve haberlerinin yanı sıra ders programları ile sınav programları, ders notları, çalışma kaynakları ve İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Kulübü Dergisi'nin (JELLC) son sayı yazıları mevcuttur.
Kolay zooma giriş
Zoom linkine gerek kalmadan öğretmenin yazdığı butona basarak giriş yapabilirsiniz
Basit kullanışlı hesap makimesi
Kullanımı kolay hesap makinesi bu uygulama kolay hesap yapmaya yarayan bir hesap makinesidir emeğe saygı için lütfen kendiniz yapmış gibi göstermeyin iyi kullanımlar E-posta: berbetulay38@gmail.com
New high school
Upgrade Package 5 Welcome, vinodkumarno1112@gmail.com EDUCATION Tech 10 TH My Apps Dashboard Content Appearance Manage Monetization E-Commerce Publish Mobiroller Appstore Apple App Store (iOS) Google Play (Android) Push Notifications Promotion Help Home Publish Publish Please read the rules for publishing before you publish your app. Apps that are against the rules will be rejected. Click here to read rules. Description (Max 4000 characters) ? Short Description (Max 80 characters) ? Recent Changes (Max 500 characters) ? Keywords (Max 80 characters) ? Category ? Choose Content Rating ? Choose Screenshots ? 640 x 1136 pixels and PNG, JPG or JPEG formats. Add Save Upload To MarketPlease read the rules for publishing before you publish your app. Apps that are against the rules will be rejected. Click here to read rules. I have read and accept the terms. Privacy Terms of Service Copyright © 2022 MobiRoller (v1.14.7) Welcome NEW FEATURE 📢 PRODUCT UPDATE : SendBird Chat Module is ready! 🥳 × Upgrade Package 5 Welcome, vinodkumarno1112@gmail.com EDUCATION Tech 10 TH My Apps Dashboard Content Appearance Manage Monetization E-Commerce Publish Mobiroller Appstore Apple App Store (iOS) Google Play (Android) Push Notifications Promotion Help Home Publish Publish Please read the rules for publishing before you publish your app. Apps that are against the rules will be rejected. Click here to read rules. Description (Max 4000 characters) ? Upgrade Package 5 Welcome, vinodkumarno1112@gmail.com EDUCATION Tech 10 TH My Apps Dashboard Content Appearance Manage Monetization E-Commerce Publish Mobiroller Appstore Apple App Store (iOS) Google Play (Android) Push Notifications Promotion Help Home Publish Publish Please read the rules for publishing before you publish your app. Apps that are against the rules will be rejected. Click here to read rules. Description (Max 4000 characters) ? Short Description (Max 80 characters) ? Recent Changes (Max 500 characters) ? Keywords (Max 80 characters) ? Category ? Choose Content Rating ? Choose Screenshots ? 640 x 1136 pixels and PNG, JPG or JPEG formats. Add Save Upload To MarketPlease read the rules for publishing before you publish your app. Apps that are against the rules will be rejected. Click here to read rules. I have read and accept the terms. Privacy Terms of Service Copyright © 2022 MobiRoller (v1.14.7) Welcome NEW FEATURE 📢 PRODUCT UPDATE : SendBird Chat Module is ready! 🥳 × Short Description (Max 80 characters) ? Recent Changes (Max 500 characters) ? Keywords (Max 80 characters) ? Category ? Choose Content Rating ? Choose Screenshots ? 640 x 1136 pixels and PNG, JPG or JPEG formats. Add Save Upload To MarketPlease read the rules for publishing before you publish your app. Apps that are against the rules will be rejected. Click here to read rules. I have read and accept the terms. Privacy Terms of Service Copyright © 2022 MobiRoller (v1.14.7) NEW FEATURE 📢 PRODUCT UPDATE : SendBird Chat Module is ready! 🥳 ×