Mobile application
Mobile application of learning & learning theories using electronic mind map will include compilation of scientific material for 15 theories in learning &education for use in scientific application on mobile phone for master's degree student. At the end of each unit, quizzes will be given for the student to measure his understanding to the unit's concepts and give him some feedback.
Fiit Skill
Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” was established in 2023 . “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is a Non- Profit Based Organization which works for the development of our Country. “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is established by Mr.Om Prakash Sah, a young Businessman and also Masters in Computer. Its head office is located in Mumbai. The motive of this foundation is for the development of Country in various segments like in the field of Research and Development (R&D), Education Sector, Health & Medical Sector, Agriculture Sector, Rural Development, Environmental, Social, advocacy and Human rights work, etc.We can work to promote social and political change on a broad scale or very locally across all over India. We play a critical part in developing society, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation. We work with the moral values and have a dedicated team with lots of thought and ideas for the growth and development of the Country.Our aim is to create a model for development that can be replicated at scale across India and perhaps the world. We with our strong team and volunteers at the “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation”, strive hard to find and execute solutions to the multiple challenges Rural India faces.Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” was established in 2023 . “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is a Non- Profit Based Organization which works for the development of our Country. “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is established by Mr.Om Prakash Sah, a young Businessman and also Masters in Computer. Its head office is located in Mumbai. The motive of this foundation is for the development of Country in various segments like in the field of Research and Development (R&D), Education Sector, Health & Medical Sector, Agriculture Sector, Rural Development, Environmental, Social, advocacy and Human rights work, etc.We can work to promote social and political change on a broad scale or very locally across all over India. We play a critical part in developing society, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation. We work with the moral values and have a dedicated team with lots of thought and ideas for the growth and development of the Country.Our aim is to create a model for development that can be replicated at scale across India and perhaps the world. We with our strong team and volunteers at the “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation”, strive hard to find and execute solutions to the multiple challenges Rural India faces.
Eğitim Haberleri ve Diğer Haberler için hazırlanmıştır.
Eğitm Haber I Memur Haber I AÖF Haber I Sınav Sonuçları ve diğer haberleri bula bilirsiniz.
Bu uygulama Resmi Sungperia uygulamasıdır...
Bu uygulamada Teknoloji haberleri, tanıtımları vardır.
Türkiye'nin Geleceği Olan İmam Hatip Kalplerinin Attığı Yer İmam Hatipler Birliğ
Bilindiği üzere 28 Şubat Süreci İmam Hatip okullarını büyük sorunlarla karşılaştırmış ve ümmetin temiz gençlerinin buhranda kalmasına sebep olmuştur. Tarihte o zamanlar bir imam hatip genci ülkenin ve İslam aleminin kaderini değiştirecek ve şuan ki refah ortamına zemin hazırlayacaktır. Ümmetin beklenen neslinin yetiştirileceği imam hatip okulları; bu okullarda yetiştirilecek İslam gençliği kat sayı ve okulların kapatılması gibi büyük sorunlarla karşılaşmıştır. Bu zorlu süreçte yaşanan sorunlar Zamanın başbakanı ve şimdinin cumhurbaşkanı Sn. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın büyük uğraşları sonucu cözümlenmiş ve imam hatipliler hakkı olan adalet ve eşitliğe kavuşturulmuşlardır. İmam hatip okulları 15 yıl aradan sonra ise yeniden orta kısımları ile eğitim vermeye başlamış ve eğitim liseden orta öğretime inmiştir.