We provide Loksewa Note, Banking Note as well as we provide academic note.
Loksewa Sarathi is number one exam preparation sources for government and private job exams likes Nayab Subba (nasu), Kharidar , Adhikrit (Section Officer) and other Nepal Government exam with all Banking Service Exam, Nepal Police Army Service preparation, Teacher Service Commission Exam Preparation, Corporation Exam Preparation And Private Sector Exam Preparation. Also we provide academic note.
For the welfare and benefits of Yimkhiung Tribe as a whole about its history.
Yimkhiung Naga App, is exclusively designed and developed for the purpose of educating the people of Yimkhiung specially for younger generation in knowing more about its own tribe culture and traditions. The features of the app contains; 1) History and origin of Yimkhiung Naga, 2) First who's who among Yimkhiung People. 3) Land and its cultural 4) Worship of animism and traditional practices and beliefs. 5) Advent of Christianity in Yimkhiung Naga area 6) Educational Establishment 7)Yimkhiung Contribution towards Naga Struggle for freedom 8) words translation in Yimkhiung dialect, 9)Scanned copy of Yimkhiung Hymnal Book etc.
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