Matematik bölüm 1.sinden her düzeyde özel Matematik ve Geometri dersi
MATEMATİK BÖLÜMÜNÜ 1. LİKLE BİTİRDİM.AYRICA TÜRK EĞİTİM VAKFI BAŞARI ÖDÜLÜNÜ ALDIM. HAFTANIN YEDİ GÜNÜ DERS VERMEK İÇİN MÜSAİTİM. 2005 yılında Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Matematik bölümünden mezun oldum.Özel sektörde 2005 den beri Matematik ve Geometri öğretmeni olarak çalışmaktayım ve yaklaşık olarak da 2000 den beri özel ders vermekteyim.İstanbul un çeşitli semtlerinde her yaştan öğrenciye okuldaki ders başarısını arttırmak için ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise seviyesinde Matematik ve Geometri özel ders veriyorum. Bunun dışında Ygs-Lys-Teog-Kpss-Dgs-Ales-için de Matematik ve Geometri Özel Dersi veriyorum.Özel derslerimize başlamadan önce öğrencinin seviyesini ölçüyorum.Öğrencinin seviyesine göre ilerleyerek(Gerekirse eski konularda yani temelde eksiklik varsa o konuları da anlatarak), basit örneklerden başlayarak konularımı işliyorum.Böylelikle öğrenci Matematiğe karşı yavaş yavaş olumlu bir tutum kazanmış olacaktır.Özel derslerimdeki diğer önemli bir husus da asla ve asla öğrenci anlamadan diğer bir konuya geçmememdir.Okul başarısı için ders verdiğim öğrenciler sınavlarında %80-90 oranında başarılı olmuşlardır.(Örneğin ders vermeden önce sınavdan 30-40 alan bir öğrenci çalışmamız sonucunda notunu 70-75 puanlara çıkarmış ve başarısını artırarak ilerletmiştir).Bunun dışında YGS, LYS, KPSS, TEOG vb. sınavlar için çalıştırdığım öğrenciler net sayılarını arttırarak amaçladıkları netlere ulaşabilmişlerdir
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Education is a dynamic process that encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. It serves as the foundation for personal development and societal progress. Through formal institutions like schools and universities, individuals engage in structured learning experiences that range from basic literacy to specialized fields of study. Competition is inherent in educational settings, acting as a driving force for achievement and excellence. Students often compete for grades, scholarships, and recognition, fostering a sense of motivation and ambition. This competitive element is not limited to academics; it extends to extracurricular activities, sports, and various opportunities for personal growth. In the realm of academics, healthy competition can inspire students to strive for academic excellence, pushing them to explore their intellectual potential. However, excessive emphasis on competition may lead to stress and negatively impact mental well-being. Balancing competition with collaboration and fostering a supportive learning environment is crucial for a holistic educational experience. Extracurricular activities, such as debates, sports, and arts, provide additional platforms for competition. These activities contribute to the development of essential life skills, including teamwork, leadership, and time management. The competitive nature of these pursuits encourages participants to refine their talents and pursue excellence. The role of educators is pivotal in shaping the educational landscape. They must strike a balance between encouraging healthy competition and fostering a collaborative spirit. Effective teaching methods should focus on individualized learning, acknowledging diverse strengths and weaknesses among students. Additionally, educators play a crucial role in instilling values like sportsmanship and resilience to help students navigate the challenges of competition. The impact of technology on education and competition is profound. The digital age has transformed the way information is accessed and shared. Online learning platforms, educational apps, and virtual classrooms have expanded educational opportunities but also introduced new challenges. The digital era has also altered the nature of competition, with individuals competing on a global scale in various fields. Globalization has intensified competition not only in education but also in the workforce. As societies become increasingly interconnected, individuals face competition from around the world. This reality underscores the importance of a well-rounded education that goes beyond academic knowledge, encompassing cultural awareness and adaptability. In conclusion, education and competition are intertwined elements that shape individuals and societies. A balanced approach is essential, emphasizing the benefits of healthy competition while recognizing the importance of collaboration, personal growth, and well-being. In navigating the complex landscape of education and competition, it is crucial to foster an environment that nurtures diverse talents, instills values, and prepares individuals for the challenges of a rapidly evolving world
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