تطبيق خاص بقسم الاعداد والتدريب - تربية المثنى
تطبيق خاص بقسم الاعداد والتدريب ينشر به الاعلانات للدورات والحلقات والورش التدريبية والمؤتمرات والمعارض الفنية التطبيق يخص شعب القسم الاربعة ( التدريب - الاعداد -البحوث والدراسات - الاشغال اليدوية )
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Online Education System
This is a Online Learn and earn Platform. From here you can Learn many professional Course also earn together. And all are this taught by professional teachers through your own language via your Smartphone and Computer. Thanks & Regards
The Reformed Rookie is dedicated to the teaching of the reformation recovered in
The Reformed Rookie is dedicated to the teaching of the reformation recovered in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenburg. The doctrines of grace and the five solas were rediscovered during this time of revival in church history.
Tutors meet with students to clarify and review concepts taught in class, explain processes and help students solve specific problems. Tutoring supports classroom-centered activities, and as such, the emphasis and content of the tutoring sessions is determined by the student's needs.
This app is for everyone it doesn't choose the age ,if you would like to learn.
This app is been made to grow children's mind,we used sources like music or sounds to make things fun and to enjoy learning in this app.We also used different colors to make the app more attractive to kids,there are nouns, adverbs,adjactives etc. Since kids love playing games we decided to to create this app so that it's can help many kids especially those who can understand learning using games.Our app can also be used by parents when they teach their kids.
Welcom Daily Info Web-App. 100% Free App
Welcom Daily Info Web-App. 100% Free App
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