Hi, our app is an education app for +1 and +2 commerce
Hi, our app is an education app for +1 and +2 commerce
Aasra Educational Trust
This Application help you to know about Aasra Educational Trust and give u the complete knowledge about how to become a part of our Aasra educational trust.
Uygulamamız dua ve zikrlerden ibarettir.
Uygulamamız ibadetle meşgül mumin kardeşlerimiz için tasarlanmıştır. Uygulamamız tamamen ücretsizdir. Uygulamamıza üyelik şarttır. Aksi takdirde içeriklerden faydalanmak mümkün değildir. Şimdiden herkese iyi okumalar dilerim. Allah ibadetlerimizi kabul eylesin (Amin).
Let's learn more about vehicle & transportation.
This apps has three input, which are description about types of transportation, examples of transportation and lastly for quiz session For first input, transportation are divided into 3 which are air, land and water. Every types has an explaination. For second input, there are some examples based on types of transportation. The user must remember all the example and its name for scored in quiz session. . For information, all the examples given has a unique name that rare to heard. Lasly, for quiz session, the user will direct to website quizizz and enter the code game given in instruction. After that, enjoy the game!!
Make change my dear friend
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