Submit real-world examples of scientific concepts for a chance to win $20 CAD
Submit real-world examples of straightforward scientific concepts for a chance to win $20 CAD every month. Anyone, anywhere in the world can play. A simple app consisting of a submission form and a visual guide.
İnsani yardımlaşma ve sosyal dayanışma derneği
Evrensel Derneği Kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluş İnsani yardımlaşma ve sosyal dayanışma derneği İnsan hakları ve kadın hakları
Domain?.........Here u can understand how to make a domain,how to create a web
Own a web app helps you to know,How to add a web? And it is useful for the user to maintain any notes regarding anything.The user can contact the app regarding any doubts.You can also change the settings such as font etc. Mainly it helps to write the important notes.
Ministry Tools and Techniques
Simple Ministry™ TNT - Tools & Techniques Platform for Pastors, Staff and Volunteers / Ministry Imprint™ Database to assess members in your church
This app is for everyone it doesn't choose the age ,if you would like to learn.
This app is been made to grow children's mind,we used sources like music or sounds to make things fun and to enjoy learning in this app.We also used different colors to make the app more attractive to kids,there are nouns, adverbs,adjactives etc. Since kids love playing games we decided to to create this app so that it's can help many kids especially those who can understand learning using games.Our app can also be used by parents when they teach their kids.
Edebiyatçılarımızdan oluşan BİR ASIRLIK TAKVİM projesi
Yazar ve şairlerimiz ile ilgili önemli bilgilerin olduğu, geliştirilmiş bir takvim projesidir.