Sistema Soccorso
Centro di Formazione Accreditato dal 118, IRC, IRC Comunità e Regione Emilia Romagna. Corsi riconosciuti dal Ministero della Salute, erogazione crediti ECM. Un panorama sulla nostra offerta formativa: Corsi di Primo Soccorso, BLS, BLSD, 81/08, ALS, PTC Base, PTC Avanzato, Gestione delle vie aeree, Rianimazione, Antincendio ecc. Siamo in grado di sviluppare corsi specifici a richiesta.
Üniversiteye hazırlanırken en iyi yol arkadaşınız! Performans ve Verimlilik
Üniversiteye hazırlanırken en iyi yol arkadaşınız! Performans ve Verimlilik Üniversiteye hazırlanırken en iyi yol arkadaşınız! Performans ve Verimlilik Uygulaması Sınavlara hazırlanan tüm öğrencilerimiz ve mezun adaylar için konuların verimli çalışılması, çalışılan konular ile ilgili bol bol pratik yapılması, sürenin verimli kullanılması ve bunun yanında motivasyonun yüksek tutulması oldukça önemlidir. Bu düşünce ile yola çıkarak sizlere sınavlara hazırlanırken yardımcı olacak, onlarca özelliği bir arada sunabilen Üniversiteye Hazırlanıyorum uygulamasını geliştirdik. Tüm özelliklerden ücretsiz olarak faydalanabilirsiniz. BU UYGULAMA İLE NELER YAPABİLİRİM? ✔ Milli Eğitim lise müfredatı temel alınarak hazırlanmış tüm derslerin konu başlıklarına ulaşabilirsiniz.Yeni geliştirilen konu takip sistemi sayesinde, konuyu kaç kaynaktan bitirdiğinizi veya kaç kez tekrar ettiğinizi konu başlıklarına yıldız ekleyerek, konu takibini eğlenceli hale getirebilirsiniz. Konu hakimiyetinizi ölçmek için verdiğiniz yıldızlarla, sınav konularının yüzde kaçını bitirdiğinizi ilerleme bölümünden görebilirsiniz. ✔ Dersler bölümü konu takibini kolaylaştırmak için TYT, YKS ve KPSS'ye göre kategorize edilmiştir.
Combat insects and pathogenic microorganisms in crops and horticulture.
This application was created to combat insects and pathogenic microorganisms in crops and horticulture. With the instruction of Integrated Plant Protection by Ministry of Rural Development and Food of Greece.
Dünya Siyaseti Analizi ve Akademik makaleler,Son dakika haberler
Bölgesel Analiz Topluluğu olarak gündemdeki son dakika olayları ve küresel olayları hem yazını yayında hemde youtube üzerinden değerlendirmekte ve analiz etmekteyiz.Sizlerde gündemde olan olayların arka planını akademisyenlerin anlatımıyla öğrenmek isterseniz uygulamamızı indirebilirsiniz.Uygulamamız tamamen ücretsizdir.Sosyal medya hesaplarından bizlere ulaşabilirsiniz.
Sustainability is an approach to design and development that focuses on environm
We have Changed the Layout for Easy Access of Information for Public,and To help the students become environmentally knowledgeable, skilled ,dedicated citizens who are willing to work, individually and collectively, toward achieving and maintaining a dynamic equilibrium between the quality of life and quality to the environment
Mobile application
Mobile application of learning & learning theories using electronic mind map will include compilation of scientific material for 15 theories in learning &education for use in scientific application on mobile phone for master's degree student. At the end of each unit, quizzes will be given for the student to measure his understanding to the unit's concepts and give him some feedback.
Fiit Skill
Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” was established in 2023 . “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is a Non- Profit Based Organization which works for the development of our Country. “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is established by Mr.Om Prakash Sah, a young Businessman and also Masters in Computer. Its head office is located in Mumbai. The motive of this foundation is for the development of Country in various segments like in the field of Research and Development (R&D), Education Sector, Health & Medical Sector, Agriculture Sector, Rural Development, Environmental, Social, advocacy and Human rights work, etc.We can work to promote social and political change on a broad scale or very locally across all over India. We play a critical part in developing society, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation. We work with the moral values and have a dedicated team with lots of thought and ideas for the growth and development of the Country.Our aim is to create a model for development that can be replicated at scale across India and perhaps the world. We with our strong team and volunteers at the “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation”, strive hard to find and execute solutions to the multiple challenges Rural India faces.Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” was established in 2023 . “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is a Non- Profit Based Organization which works for the development of our Country. “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation” is established by Mr.Om Prakash Sah, a young Businessman and also Masters in Computer. Its head office is located in Mumbai. The motive of this foundation is for the development of Country in various segments like in the field of Research and Development (R&D), Education Sector, Health & Medical Sector, Agriculture Sector, Rural Development, Environmental, Social, advocacy and Human rights work, etc.We can work to promote social and political change on a broad scale or very locally across all over India. We play a critical part in developing society, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation. We work with the moral values and have a dedicated team with lots of thought and ideas for the growth and development of the Country.Our aim is to create a model for development that can be replicated at scale across India and perhaps the world. We with our strong team and volunteers at the “Fiit Skill Development & Techno Foundation”, strive hard to find and execute solutions to the multiple challenges Rural India faces.
This app accelarate your IIT JEE NEET prepration
एक सफ़र शुरू हुआ है, चलो साथ मिल कर चलते हैं। आज उनका हाथ पकड़ते हैं, जो किताबों से डरते हैं। तुम साथ खड़े रहना बस, हाथ काँधे पर हम रख देंगे, उसकी आँखो की ना उम्मीदी को हम अच्छे से पढ़ लेंगे। कितना अच्छा होगा वो लम्हा भी, जब वो ख़ुशी झूम उठेगा। सब को सुनाएगा शौर मचा कर, जब डर उसका दूर होगा। वह अब वो सब कर सकेगा जिसपर उसका हक़ था, इन सवालों का डर बस इतनी ही देर तक था। आज वह भी मुस्कुराते हुए ख़ुद से आँखें मिलाएगा, पीछे मुड़ेगा तो मुस्कुराता हुआ हमें पाएगा। This channel provides you a platform for the best education, that helps to build your concept and to achieve your Ambition⛳⛳⛳ “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.✍️✍️✍️✍️" Winners never quit and Quitters never win🏆🏆🏆🏆 This channel will provide you videos on Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas Entrance exam and solution of maths for class VIth to Xth and solve each and every types of doubt related to each writers 📙 such as NCERT , RS AGARWAL, RD SHARMA...etc
Online Education System
This is a Online Learn and earn Platform. From here you can Learn many professional Course also earn together. And all are this taught by professional teachers through your own language via your Smartphone and Computer. Thanks & Regards