Buruj Finder
Kami merupakan sekumpulan pelajar diploma semester 3 dari Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. Aplikasi ini dibuat adalah kerana ingin memberi serba sedikit informasi mengenai buruj yang terdapat di dalam alam cakerawala ini. Sebahagian daripada kita telah diberi pendedahan tentang perkara ini. Oleh itu, besarlah harapan kami agar apa yang dikongsi ini dapat memberi manfaat untuk semua orang
FINLIG is an online learning and earning platform for anyone with SMARTPHONE
FINLIG is an online learning and earning platform for anyone with SMARTPHONE FINLIG - a product of Pitxh Forth Solutions; An online learning and earning platform for anyone, who is interested in learning digital and marketable skill for just 1k with SMARTPHONE. OUR VISION Is to empower people with digital skills that are marketable. OUR MISSION Is to provide a safe and secure platform where anyone can learn and earn money. THE FOUNDER IT expert, Web developer, AI expert, Digital marketer, Business Coach, Content Developer, Creative Designer, Incurable optimistic, Solution provider, Leadership expert, Music expert, Author and Clergic man. He holds a Diploma in Music technology, BSc decree in Business management, Leadership and Theology and Msc in leadership and theology, Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, Alunmni of IBM. Philips is the CEO of PITXH FORTH SOLUTIONS & AMOS He is married to his beautiful wife, Toluwani a proficient Finance executive, Blessed with two adorable children :Dr Ben & Milly.
Developed by Gaurav A. Shrimali
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Goyanka Maths Study - Learn Maths Study No.1 Free Platform To Access Free Study Material. Includes: NCERT Solutions RD Sharma Solutions Practice Papers Important Questions Extra Questions Case Study Questions
online classrs
online classes app .Welcome to the ONLINE TEACHING WEBSITE. We teach virtually and with quality output.Welcome to the ONLINE TEACHING WEBSITE. We teach virtually and with quality output.WE ARE HIRING ONLINE TEACHERS. HURRY UP! CONTACT: 9491907290
Prajapatir Dana is an online writing company.
Prajapatir Dana is an online writing company. Everyone from young to old can write in this app. All the writers who write poems and stories but they have never had the opportunity to publish in any magazine or anywhere else but they want to print their writing and send it to different people. So we set up this publication to publish their writings in a much easier way. If you want to write different types of poems or stories or anything else, you must contact Prajapatir Dana. Prajapatir Dana Publication will definitely publish your writing in their magazine. You will get a fair price for your writing from us.
Yaşam kalitemizi artıran süs bitkilerini korumak zararlılarını anlatmak
Dünyada ve ülkemizde çok sayıda kültür bitkisinde olduğu gibi süs bitkisi yetiştiriciliğinde de bitki hastalıkları ekonomik düzeyde ürün kayıplarına neden olmaktadır. Bu kayıplara neden olan etmenler; renk açılmalarına, mozaik lekelere, yaprak lekelerine, yanıklıklara, solgunluklara, çürüklüklere, doku anormalliklerine, pas, mildiyö ve külleme hastalıklarına neden olabilirler. Bu uygulamamız ile süs bitkilerinde kayıplara neden olan hastalıkları ve zararlıları anlatıp mücadelesini takip edebilirsiniz