ADLAM FILM ACADEMY is a season Film Academy established over a decade ago in Nig
This an answer to all who inspire to become a Film Maker, this app have all the materials you need to learn everything about Film Making, from Story to Market, we have carefully explain in an alternate to practical form using presentation methods and slides.
PEM sizde eğitimleri tamamlayıp sertifika almaya hak kazanabilirsiniz
FHF Capital kurumunun eğitim vermek için hazırlamış olduğu bir platformdur ücretsiz eğitimler verilmekte olup üye başvurunuzun bulunması gerekmektedir üye formunu doldurduktan sonra mail adresinize kullanıcı adınız ve şifreniz iletilecektir tamamladığınız her eğitim için o eğitimle alakalı sertifikalar alacaksınız iletişim
PHARM D Needs: The app which is useful For PharmD Students.
PHARM D Needs: The app which is useful For PharmD Students contains Handwritten notes which is easy to study and JNTUA Previous question papers. Textbooks also available. And some details about pharm D. This was developed by a group of students of Pharm D. Notes are verified by senior Professors.
Kur'an-ı Kerim, Hadis-i Şerif, Esma’ül Hüsna ve Dua
Sadece Kur'an-ı Kerim Ayeti Kerimesi, Hadis-i Şerif, Esma’ül Hüsna ve Dua paylaşımı yapılmaktadır. Ayrıca Esma’ül Hüsna anlamı, ilgili ayet, hadis ve benzeri gibi açıklamalar için web sayfamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz
Digital registration
SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore is an excelling institution in the state committed to producing engineers with high calibre and professionalism by accelerating Engineering and Technological education under one roof. The college was established in 2002 by SNS Charitable Trust with a high Mission and noble thought of educating the needy The campus is well-structured in a beautiful environment, with the best infrastructural facilities. The college offers 14 Under Graduate Programmes and 10 Post-Graduate Programmes in the leading fields of Engineering and Technology. The college has a congenial and conducive atmosphere for holistic learning and growth. Apart from academic activities, the college is committed to provide an outstanding environment for excellence in Research and Development
Birçok deneme çözebilirsiniz
e deneme sınavımız ile kendinizi deneme yapabilir sorular ile bilginizi ölçebilir ve eksikliklerinizi tamamlayabilirsiniz.
matematik pratik yollar
Matematik konu anlatımı,pratik yollar,sınavlara yönelik ders takviye
Student Development Application
Interaction between student, parents and school.