A single app for all needs of students.
This app is only for L. D. College of Engineering (LDCE), Ahmedabad. A single app for all needs of students. Explore "LDCE Parivaar" app to know more about LDCE. Key Features : - Standard Profile : Separate profile for student and faculty. - Faculty Directory : Type a word and find faculty's of any department with official photo, email id and many others details. - Syllabus : Download latest syllabus as per GTU with a single click and be prepare for the exam. - Study Material : Faculty can share study material or class note with students and students can easily download it revise the syllabus. - Notify : Announcements and events banner display in the homepage slider. Currently this features is in beta/test mode so we have limited it access for faculty only. Faculty can send request to display banner on the slider, after manual verification it will be live on homepage of the app. - Security : Our first priority is to secure user data. Only verified user can access the some features. Google Cloud Platform encrypts user data, Data is automatically encrypted prior to being written to disk and Each encryption key is itself encrypted with a set of master keys. Keys and encryption policies are managed the same way, in the same keystore, as for Google’s production services. - And many other interesting features ... --------------------------------------------------------- We are still looking for a suggestion to make this app more useful. We are always ready to make changes and adding new facilities as par requirement of students and faculty. We're always excited to hear from you! If you have any suggestion, questions, or concerns, please email us at: LDCE.Parivaar@gmail.com
İngilizce öğrenmenize yardımcı kısımları tek çatı altında toplayan uygulama
İngilizce bilginizi geliştirmek amacıyla hazırlanan ve içinde 11 adet Türkçe anlamı bulunan reading metinlerinin yanı sıra grammar konu özetleri, bağlaçlar, A'dan Z'ye vocabulary List,düzensiz fiiller ve tekrar yaparken daha kolay olmasını sağlamak amacıyla grammar ve kelime not tutma kısımları vulunduran uygulamamız sizlerle! Ayrıca küçük bir not; daha fazla reading metni, detaylı grammar konu anlatımları, sözlük ve tabi ki quiz özellikleri üzerinde çalışıyoruz!
جزاک اللہ خیرا و احسن الجزاء
السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و بركاته هاهنا تجد الكتب الإسلامية إذ لم تجد كتابا ما تريد فاتصل من ذلك البريد الإلكتروني asiftair07@gmail.com
kpss çalışma, iş bulma
Uygulama kpss'ye daha verimli çalışmayı ve iş bulmayı amaçlamıştır. Uygulama geliştirilme aşamasında ve güvenlidir.
Training website for Master Amanda Lowe of Phiacademy offering information.
Training website for Master Amanda Lowe of Phiacademy offering information, prices and option to book trainings.
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SVColleges - now on android - Using this app, students and parents can learn about SVColleges right from their android mobiles and tablets. You can even get college updates directly to your mobile devices. Please feel free to download the app to see our colleges detail. SV College of Engineering, Tirupati