App is designed to solve problems of JEE and NEET aspirants and to guide them .
This app is very useful for students preparing for JEE and NEET . Here they can ask doubt to those who had cleared these exam and who had gone through this tough preparation . They will always available to guide you . Along with that you can book your hostel and mess by selecting them at best price . The app also contains feature like add homework where you can list your homework to do chat with expert can schedule one to one meeting add note , map , and JEE and NEET materials
Welcome To Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering & Technology
Swaranabharathi Educational Trust has established Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2007 in Bhimavaram with the view to meet the growing demands for technical education in the country. The College is located in a serene and pollution free environment at Pennada 6 km from Bhimavaram on Palakol and Pamarru Road. The campus is spread over 20 acres of scenic landscape is an ideal place for educational pursuits. It is well connected by road & rail. The labs, class rooms, information centre etc are uniquely designed and built to endow the students a hassle free environment to pursue their intellectual development
eğitim yuvamız hakında bilgi vermek istiyoruz
Okulumuzun mobil uygulaması. öğrencilere velilere iletişim kurmak amacıyla
Harezmî Eğitim Modeli Kastamonu
İlimizde Harezmi Eğitim Modeli 2019-2020 Eğitim-Ögretim yilinda toplam 5 okul,6 Sınıf, 28 Ögretmen ve 96 Öğrenci ile pilot uygulamaya geçilmiştir.
We are a Forex Trading Institution.
NoDoubt Freedom Trades is a Forex Institution founded by Skatie Masango and George Pushking in 2019. Our Forex trading strategies are based on Fundamental Analysis. Our main goal is to provide financial education that will enhance financial freedom and make the world a better place. Our trading strategies includes Fundamental analysis and Algorithm trading.
Cours de massage et de yoga
Cours de massage et de yoga vous permettant de développer votre savoir-faire et votre savoir-être tout autant que votre spiritualité.