مركز المتاجر ، عبارة عن منصة تضم متاجر الكترونية لتسوق ممتع و متنوع
غايتنا تقديم خدمة متميزة بمعاير و جودة عالية تحقق رغبات عملاءنا و كسب رضاهم Our goal is to provide distinguished service with high standards and quality that fulfill our customers' desires and gain their satisfaction نحن منصة إلكترونية حديثة باحثة و مهتمة بمجال التجارة الإلكترونية و الحلول الالكترونية و أيضا التسويق الرقمي هدفنا هو التطوير بما يسهل خدمة عامة الناس من مكان واحد لذا قمنا بدمج متاجرنا االالكترونية تحت ظل منصة SERVCLIA We are a modern electronic platform looking and interested in the field of e-commerce and electronic solutions as well as digital marketing. Our goal is to develop in a way that facilitates serving the general public from one place, so we have integrated our electronic stores under the SERVCLIA platform
Nar akademi ile en hızlı bilgilere ulaşın.
Nar akademi kullanıcılarımızın eğitim videolarını YouTube bağlı olarak izlemesi , tarafımıza iletişim sağlamak ve şirketimiz hakkında tüm bilgilere ulaşması amaci ile tasarlanmıştır.
Petro Hitech ASUKA Company
Petro Hitech ASUKA Company has been experienced relying on more than 25 years of continuous endeavor of executives and experts with experience of executing several projects in Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Power Plant, and Mining industries. This company has been constituted taking advantage of specialists competent, intelligent and experienced engineers and management system with cooperation of great domestic and foreign companies, taking into account the Project requirements, for the purpose of providing the required services so that to play role in constructing the live Energy industry and Economy. Toward its mission in different fields of Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, and Power, Petro Hitech ASUKA Company has proceeded different activities of project definition and management phase to Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Precommissioning, Commissioning and Start-Up. Today, the company has concentrated on supplying Equipment and/or Material and Plant Operation and such services will be provided in accordance with the highest international standards. Executives at this complex, taking into account the quality management system, have prepared the foundation for growth and excellence of the relevant industries and enjoying reliable and consistent services in Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, and Power Plant and Relative Trades of Commercial Products, and has got the following executive policies: - Customer Satisfaction - Improvement of Quality System - Development of competent human resources (with the belief that human resources are the most valuable capital after customer satisfaction) - Development of technical, financial, executive and commercial infrastructures - Establishment and development of executive, engineering and commercial mechanism - Attraction and transference of modern technologies - Cooperation with domestic and foreign companies - Establishment and attraction of agency inside and outside the country achieving customer satisfaction
Anahtarınızın Sanatla Buluştuğu Nokta..
AGT Anahtar artık cebinizde. Daha kolay ve hemen erişim sağlayabilmeniz üzerine uygulamamızı sunmaktayız, iletişim, yol tarifi, ürünlerimizle ve birçok yeniliklerle yanınızda. Araç park sensörü, araç yedek anahtar, araç komple kayıp anahtar, araç anahtarı kumanda tamiri, kepenk kumanda yapımı, araç kontak tamiri, 7/24 servis, 7/24 iletişim..
Valide Sultan Kına Sarayı
Valide Sultan Kına Sarayı organizasyon firmasının, müşterilerine sunduğu bu uygulama ile, firma hakkında bilgi, kampanya ve bilgilendirme yapılabilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kullanıcı arayüzü bölümüyle, kullanıcının organizasyon öncesi hazırlıklarını not etmesi sağlanmıştır.
Bize daha kolay ulaşmak için bu uygulamayı kullanabilirsiniz.
İstanbul Lastik Yol Yardım artık mobil uygulamasıyla da sizlere hizmet veriyor. 7/24 hizmetinizde olan İstanbul Lastik Yol Yardım'a daha kolay ulaşmak için bu uygulamayı kullanabilirsiniz.
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