Dance Your Move

Dance Your Move Mobile Application

Category : Lifestyle
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 7/16/2019


Finding Zen in your Creativity. Creative Zen is for anyone who wants weekly inspiration as part of your daily routine. Add this service as part of your yearly resolution to create something new every week or add a defining new element to a project that you are already working upon. There should not be any rhyme or reason as to why you would want a mid-day retreat so add this app as a meditational luxury to your daily routine. A service for diverse crowd of creatives. Every week you will find ONE new inspired cue that will act as a footprint for you to channel your creativity into EITHER a visual art, writing/text art, dance/movement piece, sound image, video art or a creative cue to treat yourself with meditational retreat. There are 6 different categories listed for your creative heart with only 1 cue each week for either one of them.


Meditation, creative, retreat, art therapy, zen, teaching artist