Bible Mobile Study

Bible Mobile Study Mobile Application

Category : Lifestyle
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 27.03.2021


Vessel unto Honour is a Bible Study guide to understanding man as God's Vessels, The Topics are well laid to help users and readers have a step by step approach in learning of the kingdom of God and becoming a Vessel Unto Honor. Parts covered includes: 1. Vessel unto honour (2Timothy 2:20-21) 2. Divine Encounter (Act 9:1-9) 3. Meditating on the word (Joshua 1:8) 4. Living a perfect life (Matthew 5:48) 5. Abiding in Christ (John 15:4) 6. A call to obedience (Dan 11:1, 30:1-11) 7. Following Christ (Romans 12) 8. Obedient to faith (Acts 6:7) 9. The Christian life (Romans 12:1) 10. Joy of salvation (Psalm 91:16) 11. Discovering the will of God (Prov. 2:5) 12. God want us to repent ( Joel 2:1, Isai 55:7) 13. A secret place (Matthew 6:6) 14. That I may know Him (Philippians 3:10) 15. His everlasting Commandment ( pro 7:1-4) 16. Spiritual warfare (Eph 6:10-20) 17. Ten times better than others (Dan 1;7,17-20) 18. Forgiveness (Matthew 18:15,21:22) 19. Love for Christ ( Rom 8:35-39) 20. Christ Ambassadors (2cor 5:20) 21. Shinning as a star (Philippians 2: 14-15) 22. The days of the lord ( Joel 2:1-2) 23. A call to holy living (1peter 1:13-20) Have a suggestion to make it better? Contact us! Email: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:


Bible, church, religion, vessel, christian, BSF, WAziri, School App, Bible Study