Caribbean Herb Encyclopedia

Caribbean Herb Encyclopedia Mobile Application

Category : Health And Fitness
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 7/15/2020


KEY FEATURES Familiar LOCAL PLANTS and their use for MANY DISEASES with practical procedures Platform to build HERBAL FORMULAS intelligently and confidently Important CAUTIONS to observe in all natural remedies endeavors. Amongst our challenges today are unexpected difficulties in health care, financial management, commerce and transport of persons and commodities. Seeing this, we have realized our need of sinking our roots deeper where we are based like plants bereft of dew and rain. With this in mind we are introducing our soon to be completed JAMAICAN HERB ENCYCLOPEDIA MOBILE APP for Android and iOS devices. This is the first in a series of health apps that we hope to make available to the public. Being one of the co-authors of the book: In My Backyard: Powerful Herbs and Foods of the Caribbean, we hope to release in the near future a similar app for most the other Caribbean territories like Trinidad &Tobago, Belize, Barbados, and Guyana.


Jamaica, Caribbean, Herb, Medicine, Natural