Student league

Student league Mobile Application

Category : Education
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 12/6/2020


First of all Thank you very much for downloading this app. We are publishing this only on educational purpose. In this app we are publishing MATHS BIOLOGY PHYSIC'S subjects for only 10TH class student's. some of students can't understand the concept of the topic. To improve the skills in student We are publishing this app. Our app is not harmful to any one . it is based on education criteria only. In this app we will explain every student. By the app ''student league''. you can sense that it is right option. so all of you can listen the classes in this app with free of cost. It is an advantage to students who are not understanding By telling the classes in English itself some of student's cannot understand in our app we will explain with animation in English and also in Telugu Any student can understand the class easily grow up. We will conduct test also. We explain in the class briefly about everything our App is only for improving skills to students in Maths, physics, Biology subjects. So all of the Students can easily understand. The main concept of us is " Empowering students to intentionally pursue education as a key to personal success and improvement" Thanking you This student league app is very useful to you improves your Knowledge and very significant ----------*My Heartful Thanks to all of you*----------


Educational app