Evolution Careers

Evolution Careers Mobile Application

Category : Education
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 9/22/2020


Evolution Careers is a Training , Placement firm since 2013. Recently IT & ITES services are added to the portfolio. Our Mission is to make our Graduates into Innovative, Creative and Highly Skilled TechnoCrats. Quality Skilled Technocrats. A quick over view about our services are as given below. Training - Communication, Soft Skills, Employability Skills, IT Technical, Non IT Technical, Career Guidance, Entrepreneurship etc Placements & Job Fairs - Entreprenuership, Jobs as per skill set and passion of candidates. Skill Development Schemes implementation to boost the skill set of nation builders. Student & Faculty Development Programs to impart knowledge on real time technologies. Software services and ITES services. Human Resource Consulting and providing resources to companies. Industry Institute Collaboration. Incubation Setup. and many more that can bridge gap between Industry and Institutions and enhance the talent and skills of Rural India predominantly. Team Evolution Careers Reach us at +91 9751173512/9751773512(WhatsApp) +914274043369(Tel) query@evolutioncareers.tech www.evolutioncareers.tech


Training, Placements, Jobs, Engineering, Students