आradhya Sahitya Sangraha

आradhya Sahitya Sangraha Mobile Application

Category : Education
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 9/10/2020


This is free Read and write App. Available in Marathi, Hindi and English language. Your story reaches readers in Maharashtra and across the country. And absolutely free.In Aaradhya you get recognition and respect as a writer. From that we work to shape future writers. Your story / poem in Aaradhya can also be printed in a directly printed book. You can get the opportunity to write in Aaradhya Diwali magazine and other issues even for free.Your writings are stored 101% tuff securely in Aaradhya. Also, since it is in pdf format, no one can copy or even download your writing. So you can stay calm and entrust the writing to us.Your writing will also be available for you and other readers to read directly in Amazon.in book format. Then you can make your mark in the corners of the country.If you are a new member then this is your chance to do something. In Aaradhya, you can boldly say that you are a great writer / author, poet / poetess. Welcome to Aaradhya, we are proud to have you as the Author of Aaradhya. In which the stories, articles, stories-poems, fine stories and series that you have sent will be published entirely on this app. You can read the article by clicking on the FREE READ : आराध्य अखंड साहित्य विशेषांक / आराध्य साहित्य सेतू विशेषांक / Aaradhya Immortal E-magazine icon in the Aaradhya app or by the author's literature list. In order to publish the story in free read on the app here, you need to send your story, poem or series in PDF format to the email address given below. Which we will publish for all readers to read on the app.


Education, read, write, magazine