PEBS Lamjung

PEBS Lamjung Mobile Application

Category : Education
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 7/3/2020


Shree Paschimbhumi English Boarding School Karaputar,Lamjung, Nepal Features: 1. Surf School's webpage inside app 2. Direct Notice Board 3. Photo gallery 4. Notebook (save notes inside the PEBS app ) 5. Covid19 Update : Now you can check Nepal's genuine update of covid19 using PEBS app 6. Message:: Anyone can send feedback message directly to us using PEBS app 7. Inbox :: Notification from school will be saved in Inbox of PEBS app. 7. Contact us using single click 8. Browse PEBS facebook page using PEBS app 9. Watch PEBS videos including Youtube Videos. 10. Inbuilt google maps Marking PEBS location. 11. FAQs :: Frequently Asked Questions 12. Virtual Class: Notes, Questions, Model Questions App managed by Govinda Sharma


PEBS, Lamjung, WEBS, westland, school, paschimbhumi